Center For Teaching Thinking & Innovation


This is an organization aimed at developing a culture of thinking in schools, university and society where we demonstrate to the educators, students and parents on how HOT could be promoted and valued both in classrooms and real life.

Center for Teaching Thinking and Innovation (Cent-Ti) is an educational service organization providing workshops, staff development programs, and resources for schools and universities interested in incorporating critical and creative thinking into teaching and learning. 

Word From CENT-TI Director

Read The Message From Our Director

Education is not just about disseminating information to the learners .Rather it is about developing the minds of the learners so that they are able to think critically and creatively to solve non-routine problems and perform skillful decision making.

Hence teachers should be given the opportunity to learn the relevant pedagogical knowledge that will enable them to infuse or integrate HOT (Higher-order thinking) skills into their content instructions